Tuesday, January 8, 2013

30-day challenges

            In writing class, we watched a video called 'Matt Cutts' 30-day challenges'. After watching the video, we decided to make our own '30-day challenges' for our 30 days in Glps. We wrote three steps for each three goals.

    These are my three goals and steps:

          Goal 1 : Taking 1 picture everyday
                 step 1- Take a camera anywhere
                 step 2- Think of what I want to take picture of
                 step 3- When you find something special, take out the camera.

          Goal 2 : No postponing homework
                 step 1- Write assignments to do on the post-it.
                 step 2- Check it everyday and put it into action.
                 step 3- If you didn't finish your asssignments on the post-it, leave a special mark.
          Goal 3 : No playing while studying
                 step 1- Only think about studying when doing your work.
                 step 2- Think " I can do what I want to do after work" when studying.
                 step 3- Give a tiny present to myself when I did a good job keeping the promise that day.

"Matt Cutts' 30-day challenges" video

1 comment:

  1. hi!rachel!i am ur roommate sara....
    okay...hmm..i hope you keep your goals.especially
    the one about not playing.
