Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Argumentative essay

             Nowadays, in the world, there are competitions everywhere. All people, even young children participate in the competition. Some people say that competitions can be harmful for children. However, competition is beneficial for children for several reasons. They are : children can learn a lot from other participants, can adapt to society in the future well, and give them confidence when they win.

                The first reason why competition is beneficial for children is because they can learn many things from other participants. In the competition, there are many people who are better than us. So, if we participate in the competition, we can learn a lot from the people who are better than us. We can also learn what we did wrong or what can we do to improve ourselves by losing. According to nytimes, under certain conditions, competitions improve performance. Also, according to, when there was competition, students had better performance.

                 The second reason why competition is beneficial is because it makes children adapt well in the society in their future. There are a lot more competitions in adults' society, do children who experienced more competitions will have better results than people who didn't i their future. They will also be exposed to losing, which will help them not to be discouraged when they lose in their future. According to, it says that the competition prepares us for the real world.

                Lastly, competition gives confidence to children when they win. When children win in the competition, they think that 'I did well' ad get confidence. According to christinachildho, 'competing is especially helpful because when you compete,  you are under pressure. If you perform well, it gives you confidence.

               Opponents of this idea claim that competition make young children discouraged when they lose. However, that's not true because as I said i the paragraph above competition creates confidence in children, it does not discourage them. Also, although they may get discouraged because they lost, the ca overcome it by winning and gaining confidence again.

               Those who disagree also say that they would be stressful when there is too much competition. However, we don't have to do too much competition. Also, according to,. there are many ways to beat competitive stress.

              Competition helps children for several reasons. They are : children can learn from other competitors, can adjust to society in their future well, ad also gives them confidence when they win. Also, I talked about the two arguments from the opponents and said why it is wrong. They are: competition makes children lose their confidence when they lose, and that they would be stressful when they do too much competition. Thank you.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Drabble to Blee

          <A drabble is a story that has exactly 100 words with one theme>

- Drabble to my cat, Blee

            She has a small, round face. Her nose is always moist and waits for me when I am not next to her. When I come back, by rubbing her face, she tells me how much she missed me. Then I say ' I missed you too' by rubbing her small face with my hand. She has big, pointed ears and shiny gray pelt. Her tiny feet has grape colored jelly on it. I feel very comfortable when I push her jelly softly. I feel as if I am pushng a marshmallow. Can you guess who she is? She's my lovely cat!

Response essay to 'Brave'


                             I watched the movie 'Brave' last week. It was about one young girl called 'Merida'. I enjoyed the movie very much, and I think that Merida is a very brave girl. She didn't get scared and give up although she had many hardtimes in the movie.

                         In the movie 'Brave', one young girl called Merida goes on an adventure to change her fate. Merida is a princess in the clan, and because of that, she needed to marry one of the boys in other clans. However, she didn't want to do that, so she went to a witch's house and bought a spell that would change her mother. Merida thought that the spell would change her mother's thoughts, but it just changed her mother into a bear. So, Merida went on an adventure to change her mother. At last, using her courage, she turned her mother back, also changing her fate.
                           I learned many things from this movie 'Brave'. One thing I  learned from this movie is that we can do anything if we try it with courage. In the movie, Merida wouldn't have changed her fate when she didn't have courage. For example, she wouldn't have tried to shoot the targets with the bow to stop the competition of marrying her if she didn't have courage. If she didn't do this because she wasn't brave enough, she wouldn't have been able to go to the witch's house and convince her mother. Another thing I learned is that we should listen to other people. When Merida and her mother listened to each other, it would have been a lot easier to change Merida's fate. It wouldn't have hurt Merida and her mother's feelings,too. the last thing I learned from this movie is to think twice before doing something. In the movie, if Merida's mom thought twice and didn't say some bad things to her, Merida wouldn't have gone out of the house. Also, if Merida thought twice before giving the magical cake to her mother, her mother wouldn't have turned into a bear.

                            I liked this movie very much. The first reason why is that the movie wasn't boring because it used characters with similar ages to us. Because Merida, the main character, is similar ages as us, I felt more excited when Merida did something. Also, I undestood her better because of her age. Another reason why I liked this movie is because there were many parts where I felt worried and nervous because of the characters. For example, I was very nervous when Merida's father tried to kill Merida's mother because she was a bear.

                             After watching the movie, I though that Merida is a great girl. She had courage to change her fate. She fought against the bear bravely. She is also very clever. She realized how to save her mother by herself.

                             To conclude, I really enjoyed the movie 'Brave'. I also learned a lot from this movie. They are: with courage you can do anything,listen to others, and to think twice before doing something. I hope I can be a brave girl like Merida by doing these things.      

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Diamante poem

adorable   sleepy
purring   scratching   yawning
mice   Russian Blue   shihtzu   ball
licking   running   barking
obedient   playful

Russian Blue


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ode to the Ocean

                    Sometimes I think of the time when I first saw you, with soft and beautiful ripples with the color of blue. Sitting next to you,I felt all my worries flying far away from me. After that, whenever I went to you, you always soothed both my mind and body.

                    Oh ocean, how gorgeous you are! The shining sun decorating you, making your face twinkle. You have so many mysteries inside you, having so many different lives inside yourself. You have so many secrets that nobody else but you know. You also contain so many treasures that link the past to the present.
                    Oh ocean, how special you are! With so many unique living things inside you! How special you are, being able to go anywhere. You are so wide that nobody know the end, so deep that  nobody has reached the end before.

                    Oh ocean, how thankful you are! Making people's minds full of hope! With a beautiful mind that forgives humans' mistakes... Being the cleaner of our world, being the home for so many lives.

                                                                                               Sincerely, Heewon Kim

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

30-day challenges

            In writing class, we watched a video called 'Matt Cutts' 30-day challenges'. After watching the video, we decided to make our own '30-day challenges' for our 30 days in Glps. We wrote three steps for each three goals.

    These are my three goals and steps:

          Goal 1 : Taking 1 picture everyday
                 step 1- Take a camera anywhere
                 step 2- Think of what I want to take picture of
                 step 3- When you find something special, take out the camera.

          Goal 2 : No postponing homework
                 step 1- Write assignments to do on the post-it.
                 step 2- Check it everyday and put it into action.
                 step 3- If you didn't finish your asssignments on the post-it, leave a special mark.
          Goal 3 : No playing while studying
                 step 1- Only think about studying when doing your work.
                 step 2- Think " I can do what I want to do after work" when studying.
                 step 3- Give a tiny present to myself when I did a good job keeping the promise that day.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Self- introduction

Books written by Rick Riordan

                       Hello! I am Heewon Kim from Seoul. I am participating in the 19th GLPS camp. Now, I will tell some interesting and unique things about me. Firstly, Rick Riordan is my favorite author. He wrote many series about Greek mythology, including the percy jackson series. I guess that the reason why I like this book is because I like fantasy very much. Also, I have one cat in my house. Her type is Russian Blue, and she is one year old. In GLPS, there are only three people including me in my dormitory because one of my friends left GLPS because her grandpa passed away. I hope you learned many interesting facts about me by this one paragraph.

Also, for more information about GLPS, the camp I am participating, come to